
Celebrating the best of the Jordan games development talent.

The inaugural Jordan Games Awards, taking place exclusively at Pocket Gamer Connects Jordan, are a prestigious awards created to celebrate the very best game development teams and companies who are establishing Jordan as a key player within the MENA games industry.

We shine a light on the key parts of the ecosystem. From student developers, to indies, to established studios, and from prototypes, to early access, to successfully published titles… we aim to always focus on the talent behind the games and the games themselves. We also pay homage to the companies and individuals who are making an exceptional contribution to the local industry.

The awards are lobbied for and voted on by all members of the industry, and then ultimately revealed at our ceremony that celebrates the very best games development talent of this proud nation.

The awards ceremony takes place as part of Pocket Gamer Connects Jordan (all delegates are of course welcome to attend) on Day 2 (November 10) in the Main Track Room.