Looking for the next step in your professional career? Seeking recruits to join your wonderful team? Introducing the Pocket Gamer Connects Careers Week!
Finding the perfect job in this ever-changing industry is hard at the best of times. (And these are not the best of times.) In order to support jobseekers, we’re hosting another Pocket Gamer Connects Careers Week to run during Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #8.
There are a limited number of free jobseeker tickets available (see below), and the chance to encounter speakers and reps from companies like Facebook, Fingersoft, Huawei, Jam City, King, Miniclip, Rovio, SEGA, Supercell, Ubisoft and many more.
You can expect:
- Digital jobs board listing – there will be a button here linking to it during the event
- A mail-out of key vacancies to all attendees
- Supporting editorial coverage on PocketGamer.biz
- There’s also a daily recruitment hour in the Discord, with ask-me-anything sessions (Discord link available during the event)
– Mon 27th 12:00 – 1:00: Oleg Paliy (CEO Games Factory Talents / Nordic Games Talents)
– Tuesday 28th 12:00 – 1:00: Jasmin Ali (Aardvark Swift Art Consultant)
– Weds 29th 12:00 – 1:00: Dave Moss (Aardvark Swift Programming Consultant)
– Weds 29th 15:00 – 16:00: Tania Holzer & Irene Magagnoli (Whatwapp)
– Thurs 30th 12:00 – 1:00: Joe Sutcliffe (Aardvark Recruitment Consultant)
– Fri 1st 12:00 – 1:00: Lee Burns (Amiqus Recruitment Consultant)
And during Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #8, there will be sessions of interest to jobseekers and students, including:
Tuesday 9:00
Intro to the Game Industry – Russell Anderson, Outplay
Tuesday 16:30
How Game Publishing Changed Through the Years – JW ‘Bill’ Stealey, iEntertainment Network
Thursday 17:30
Where to Start – Practical Tips for First Time Game Developers – Panel moderated by Ella Romanos, Fundamentally Games
Friday 11:30
The Democratisation of Games – Are There any Barriers to Becoming a Game Developer? – Panel moderated by Dave Bradley, Steel Media
We are also making a number of jobseeker tickets available free to people currently out of work and looking for a new role. This will not only give you access to the specific recruitment opportunities but also all other aspects of the Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #8 event (including five days of professional talks, the MeetToMatch meeting platform, Discord chat channel and more).
If you’d like to get involved and find the next step in your career
Recruiters can also get involved and share their vacancies by using this form to register interest or contacting [email protected]